Alison Gopnik Historical Detective Stories

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Could David Hume have known about Buddhism? ...

A. Gopnik (2015). How an 18th-Century Philosopher Helped Solve My Midlife Crisis: David Hume, the Buddha, and a search for the Eastern roots of the Western Enlightenment, The Atlantic Monthly, Oct 2015 issue

A. Gopnik (2009). Could David Hume have known about Buddhism? Charles Francois Dolu, The Royal College of La Fleche, and the global Jesuit intellectual network. Hume Studies 35:5-28.


The Curious Door

A. Gopnik and Alvy R. Smith (2011). The Curious Door: Charles Dodgson & the Iffley Yew. Knight Letter, Journal of the Lewis Carroll Society of North America, Winter 2011, vol. 2, issue 17, no. 87, 17-24.